
Batman forever movie cover
Batman forever movie cover

batman forever movie cover

It’s there mostly to explain how he metamorphoses into the Riddler - that is, into the prancing figure of Jim Carrey at his most ecstatically psychotic.

batman forever movie cover

And Edward Nygma’s TV mind-control scheme could have used more visual zap. (The plot is: The villains try to kill Batman.) A hint that Bruce is going to confront a revelation about the murder of his parents comes to naught. Chase Meridian (Nicole Kidman), a sultry criminal psychologist who can’t decide whether she’s got the hots for Bruce or for Batman (no wonder they get along), and Robin (Chris O’Donnell), Batman’s new sidekick, whose youthful-hotshot tendencies are fueled by a seething private vendetta. Edward invents a device that allows TV viewers to merge with the images on their screens - and then allows Edward to suck their minds into his, until he goes giddy with brainpower. (Unfortunately, the role doesn’t give Jones much to do besides scowl under his ugly makeup.) Then there’s the Riddler (Jim Carrey), whom we meet when he’s still lowly Edward Nygma, a long-haired techno-dweeb festering with thwarted ambition in the laboratories of Wayne Enterprises. An anarchic phantom who still remembers his days as DA Harvey Dent, he acts out his dual nature by making vital criminal decisions based on the toss of a coin. Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones) is a rip-snorting hooligan whose face - or, at least, half of it - has been deformed by acid into a purplish mash of vein and sinew (it looks like an exploding eggplant). There are, as well, a couple of megalomaniacal supervillains. Chief among the soul-torn weirdos is Bruce Wayne (Val Kilmer), the Gotham City glamourpuss who’s driven by personal demons to put on a black rubber bat costume - contoured with a bodybuilder’s musculature - and become Batman, mystic vigilante of the night.

Batman forever movie cover